Android, one of the most famous operating system on smartphones and tablet computers has recently launched the new flavor of the series which is Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.
The device which will be for the very first time having the Ice Cream Sandwich is Samsung Nexus smartphone. BY now the Big G has released the open source code of the new flavor of the Android and is available to download now.
The Google promised and finally it has delivered the source code to open source community and what is more interesting is that the code now available encompasses the complete source code history tree, which includes the never-before-open Android Honeycomb family of releases.
The Ice Cream Sandwich was released to unify the smartphone and tablet platform. Previously GIngerbread was for Smartphones and Honeycomb was dedicated to the tablet computers.
Jean Baptiste, who is software engineer on the Android open source project at Google noted: “This is actually the source code for version 4.0.1 of Android, which is the specific version that will ship on the Galaxy Nexus, the first Android 4.0 device.
In the source tree, you will find a device build target named “full_maguro” that you can use to build a system image for Galaxy Nexus. Build configurations for other devices will come later.”
Jean continued: This release includes the full history of the Android source code tree, which naturally includes all the source code for the Honeycomb releases.
However, since Honeycomb was a little incomplete, we want everyone to focus on Ice Cream Sandwich. So, we haven’t created any tags that correspond to the Honeycomb releases (even though the changes are present in the history.) Google Android 4.0.1, codenamed “Ice Cream Sandwich,” has been released to the open source community.
Well this is a very nice gesture by the company and the Google has been misrepresenting the openness of the ICS.
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