How to Extend Windows 8 RTM Evaluation 90 Days

You can rearm the evaluation and make it run more than 90 days after expiration of Trial Period.
  1. To see the current license information of Windows 8, type the following command:
    slmgr /dli
  2. To see the detailed information of the current license type, type the following command:
    slmgr /dlv
  3. To see the expiration date of the current license, type the following command:
    slmgr /xpr
  4. To extend the current license grace period again and rearm Windows, type the following command:
    slmgr /rearm
All the commands are really not required, they are given just for information. Optionally you can perform Step 1 and Step 4.
windows 8 activation details Rearm Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation To Extend 90 Days Trial (How To)
After running rearm windows 8 command:
rearm command Rearm Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation To Extend 90 Days Trial (How To)
Now once you and done with the rearm, you can also remove the watermark on your desktop. Here is how to remove Windows 8 Evaluation Watermark (90 day License Message Line wont disappear).
  • When should I run this command for maximum validity?
    > It is recommended to run this command on 89th day so that 90 days get added to trial from that date.
  • How many time can I rearm Windows 8 Trial?
    > 3 Times.
  • Is it possible to reset Windows 8 rearm count to run it indefinitely?
    > It is possible. Wait for our article on that.


Unknown said...

last step is not working
its coming as
"0xCoo4F025 acess denied: the request action requies elevated privileges"

plz help

LarissaS said...

girish - you need to use an "elevated command prompt" - google it if you don't know how to do it.

Worked fine for me. But I only had one rearm remaining. Any news on how to rearm indefinitely?

jyotika said...

my windows 8 is alreay expired and i have installted it from downloaded setup from bootable pendrive....
my system alway restart after 2 hours and somtime in btween 2 hours
Can you please help me with this problem

error found while typing first command (slmgr/dli)
slmgr not recognised as internal or external command

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